Stress Counselling

While you can always choose to ignore it, stress is a part of life. But if you don’t address it and deal with it in an appropriate way, it will become a serious problem that affects your health and your relationships, this is where stress counselling comes in.

 A lot of people today don’t realise the extent of the harm that a series of stressful situations can cause them and their loved ones. In fact, stress is now recognised as a serious and growing health problem. In fact, it’s one of the top 3 causes of physical and mental ill health in the UK and costs the economy around £70 billion every year.

When was the last time you felt like you were drowning in stress? When you have high stress levels, your body releases hormones that make you feel tense and anxious. These hormones can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, back problems and indigestion.  They can even have you crying for help. When you’re in the middle of a stressful situation, these negative feelings can snowball into a full-blown panic attack. Stress counselling is a helpful, non-pharmaceutical way to combat stress and depression. In this article, we will give you some information on how talking to a therapist about specialist stress treatment can help you and your mental wellbeing.

What Is Stress Counselling?

Stress counselling is the process of identifying your stressors, understanding the reasons why you are experiencing these stressors and the management of these stressors, and making changes to overcome the root causes of your stress. It is an established fact that people are more likely to suffer from mental illness if they are experiencing stress and/or anxiety on a regular basis. This is why stress management counselling or psychotherapy is an important part of managing one’s mental health.

Will Specialist Stress Treatment Help Me Cope With My Stress?

Talking about your mental health can help you find the root cause of your stress, and it may not seem par for the course.  It may seem a little surprising when you find out where your issues originate.  It’s unhealthy to keep in locked up inside.  Counsellors are there to help you work through the process of coping with the stress once you’ve identified it.  This can often lead to understanding you need a work life balance and in turn, can lead to much better physical wellbeing.  During stress counselling, a counsellor will ask a series of questions and approach them in a calm and reassuring manner with a view to reducing your stress level

What Should I Look For In A Stress Counsellor?

As with any kind of mental health counselling, it is important to find someone who suits you. Ask about their experience as a therapist, education, and qualifications. Find out how many people they’ve worked with. Is the person you want to see available? Do they charge a lot or are they cheap? Do they only work with one type of problem (i.e. stress, anxiety, relationship issues)? If you are paying for a service, ask what they’re going to do if they can’t help you. Are they going to charge more? Will you be given a list of options or will you be pressured into paying for the first treatment you get? Do they promise quick results or are they going to be patient? Do they promise to be there all the time you need them or do they have a minimum number of sessions you need to complete?

Is Stress Management Counselling Different From Standard Stress Treatment?

Counselling can come in many forms and stress management is something that can help your health improve in several ways.  But is it any different from standard stress treatment?  In some ways it is, but the fundamentals of any stress treatment are learning to manage your stress because it’s never going to disappear.  Learn to cope with your stress and you’ll no longer have issues.  

Will Managing My Stress Improve My Health?

Stress can be a good thing, if you manage it well. If you do, stress helps you improve your health. The problem is that too much of it can make you feel terrible and affect your health in negative ways. The good news is, you can learn to manage your stress and, in the process, gain some positive benefits. nhs psychological therapies have been proven in umpteen studies to improve the health and wellbeing of patients in the programme, so i guess you could say the answer to that question is yes.

Can I Receive Stress Treatment Without Going into A Priory Or Monastery?

With the online health and wellbeing market increasing every day, stress management is becoming easier to find and in many different forms.  Many years ago you may have needed to travel some distance to find a professional therapist in mental health and in many cases these were found mixed with addiction clinics.  These were often run by monks who dedicated their life to helping people recover.  It seemed extremely daunting to many and that’s why it often didn’t work, but thankfully It’s not like that nowadays.  Help for your issues is always a click away.

 In conclusion, if you’ve been feeling anxious or depressed or you’re just not coping, it can have a significant impact on your life and health. If your anxiety is causing problems in your personal life or at work, you may benefit from some professional management to help to relieve your stress. This may include talking with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or therapist.